Yes, 1-650-543-4800  and +1-888-805-1752, is a real number associated with Facebook customer service support. While it is a legitimate contact number for Facebook at +1-888-805-1752, it is important to note that reaching a human representative through this number might be challenging. The number is intended for inquiries and other non-customer service-related matters. Users can press 1 for Facebook and then 9 for "other inquiries" to leave a voicemail. However, contacting Facebook through this number does not guarantee direct assistance with account-related issues. It is crucial to be cautious of potential scams or fraudulent activities associated with similar numbers claiming to be from Facebook. Overall, the number 1-650-543-4800 or  +1-888-805-1752 is genuine and linked to Facebook, but it is primarily for general inquiries and not a direct customer service hotline for immediate problem resolution

What is the purpose of the phone number 650 543 4800?

The phone number 650 543 4800 is the official customer service support number for Facebook , call at 1-650-543-4800  and +1-888-805-1752, as confirmed by multiple sources. This number is intended for users who require immediate assistance with their Facebook accounts or have inquiries. However, it is important to note that contacting Facebook through this number does not guarantee direct assistance with account-related issues, as it is primarily for general inquiries and not a direct customer service hotline for immediate problem resolution.

What is this number 650 543 4800?

The phone number  1-650-543-4800  or +1-888-805-1752 is associated with Meta Platforms, Inc., formerly known as Facebook, Inc., and serves as one of the primary contact numbers for Meta's headquarters in Menlo Park, California. It is the official number for Facebook Customer Service support (hotline) at +1-888-805-1752, and you can contact it for assistance with Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus VR. Additionally, this number is listed on Meta's official website and is provided as a contact number for Meta Platforms Technologies in their Supplemental Terms of Service.


The email address associated with the phone number 1-650-543-4800  or +1-888-805-1752 i is, as stated in Meta Platforms Technologies' Supplemental Terms of Service2. This email address is provided for Meta Platforms, Inc., which includes platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Oculus VR, and is associated with the phone number +1-888-805-1752.